Welcome to Wardco Studios

Spotify Collaborative Playlists!

Wardco Studios Spotify Collaborative Playlists for Serious Musicians.

Become a member of one (or more) of our Wardco Studios Spotify Playlists. We’ll promote our playlists on multiple social media platforms daily as well as paid advertising via our advertising department.  There’s no charge because our goal is to build great playlists and promote music by genre. There will be a limited number of songs per playlist and new lists started on a regular basis. You may submit one song per form until you have established sharing songs and playlist arrangements with Wardco Studios then you may email, skype message or call us directly. You can submit multiple forms. Note: We don’t accept explicit music or have any rap music playlists. Wardco Studios answer form replies Monday – Saturday, replies can take up to 48 to 72 hours to answer form submissions. 

[quform id=”1″ name=”Spotify Playlist Request”]

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Spotify Playlists
to Follow & Join!

Use the form to your left to join.

More Playlist Coming Soon!

Use the contact form below to suggest a new playlist genre. 

Wardco Studios Musicians

Follow Wardco Studios

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We only accept music using the form above.

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About Wardco Studios

Wardco Studio’s vision is to combine serious poetry with intriguing melodies to create songs of substance, unique while entertaining. Our genres include rock, blues, country blues and folk.

WardCo Studios